What to Expect on Your First Dental Visit

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While visiting the dentist for routine teeth cleaning and anything else that needs to be addressed may not be the most desirable thing for an individual to do, the importance of a healthy mouth certainly cannot be downplayed. It’s why these regular cleanings – at least once every six months – are so important, as a dentist can identify small problems before they become big ones in addition to thoroughly deep cleaning your teeth.

However, in order to get on the dental path to a clean, healthy mouth, you first need to take that all-important first step – actually visiting the dentist. It’s at this initial dentist visit that the office will thoroughly inspect your teeth and gums, take X-rays and meet with you to discuss the best course of treatment moving forward. This post will take a closer look at how this initial appointment is handled with patients at Caven Dental.

What to Expect on Your First Dental Visit

Many people who have strayed from the dentist for a long period of time dread that first visit back. They may be self-conscious about the condition of their teeth and the lack of professional care they’ve received and think that the dentist and their staff may be judging them or lecture them. While we certainly recognize the importance of proper dental care here at Caven Dental, we’re a judge-free practice. We get that the dentist isn’t always an enjoyable place to go and we understand other factors that may have caused lapses in treatment, like a loss of dental insurance. That’s why one of the first things we do with new patients is meet with them, talk with them and build a relationship with them. After this initial meeting, we focus on analyzing five critical elements of the mouth to give our staff a better idea of how to treat your situation. Here’s a closer look at these five elements:

  • Oral Cancer Screening: Nearly 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year and about 9,500 die from it each year. Like all cancers, early diagnosis is key to successful treatment, which is why we make this a big priority.
  • Discussion about Aesthetic Goals: Are you happy with your smile? How do you want your teeth to look? These are questions we’ll pose during a discussion about what you want to get out of dental work.
  • Tooth-by-Tooth Analysis: We’ll go tooth-by-tooth looking for decay and analyzing each one’s health.
  • Gum/Bone Condition Assessment: We’ll also look at your mouth for signs of periodontal disease, and whether it’s become advanced enough to impact the bone.
  • TMJ Evaluation: Finally, we’ll evaluate your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ – the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. TMJ pain is common in a lot of people and there are various ways to help manage discomfort in those that are impacted by it.

For more information about what you can expect on your first visit to the dentist, and to schedule an initial appointment, contact Caven Dental.

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