FAQ About Hybridge

One of the dental implant procedures that is really gaining traction in dentistry is the Hybridge solution. Ideal for single teeth, multiple teeth or full mouth restorations, the procedure involves placing finely crafted artificial teeth onto titanium implants. The procedure is long-lasting, affordable and a viable option to alternative treatments such as crowns, dentures or […]

An Introduction to Hybridge Dental Implants

Dental implants have come a long way in recent years. Hybridge dental implants are proof of this. The procedure consists of administering implants either on a one-off, multi-tooth or full mouth restoration basis to help patients reacquire that smile that they yearn for, without negatively impacting the bone, gums or any of the other remaining natural […]

Teeth Grinding FAQ

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is when someone clenches, grinds or grits their teeth. While many people unknowingly grind their teeth at night while they sleep, clenching or gritting the teeth is also commonly done while an individual is conscious, commonly as a reaction to stress. However, teeth grinding can have detrimental long-term effects on the […]

What are The Symptoms of a Bad Bite/Malocclusion

Crooked or crowded teeth? Underbite or overbite? If this is you, then you’re among the millions of Americans that have a bad bite, or malocclusion. Bad bites are caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, injury to the jaw or mouth, tooth loss and even thumb sucking. However, the good news is that […]

Is Invisalign as Effective as Standard Braces?

Orthodontics have come a long way in a relatively short period of time. This is evidenced by the introduction of Invisalign around 2000, which provided a transparent alternative to conventional braces. However, many patients have questions about the effectiveness of Invisalign compared to conventional braces. We decided to shed some light on the two types […]

How to Prevent Gingivitis

According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 47 percent of the American population has some level of periodontitis, an advanced gum disease. That’s nearly half of all Americans. What’s more is that the study shows that the older one gets, the more likely they are to experience […]

How to Handle Tooth Sensitivity

Your teeth may become sensitive for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most common factor behind sensitive teeth is when the protective enamel becomes worn down, and there are also things like gum recession and tooth erosion that may play a role. All told, it’s estimated that nearly 60 percent of all Americans develop sensitive teeth at […]

Natural Ways to Combat Bad Breath

We all experience “morning breath” – that is when odor-causing bacteria festering in your mouth all night comes out in full force after you wake, but for some people, bad breath lasts a lot longer than just a few minutes each morning. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 30 percent of the world’s population […]

Is Gum Contouring Right for You?

A good smile can do wonders for an individual’s self-esteem, there’s no question about that. After all, a confident smile usually translates to a confident person. However, the likes of misaligned teeth, missing teeth and uneven gums can really put a damper on your smile and on your confidence. While orthodontics and general dentistry can […]

What Can Your Teeth Tell You About Your Health?

There’s an old saying that looking into the eye is like looking into the window of someone’s soul. You could make the same argument to an extent about someone’s mouth, except instead of looking into the soul, you’d be looking into the functioning of how other crucial parts of the body are performing. Yes, your […]